Monday, April 15, 2024
BCN locations

Distrito de les Corts

Les Corts is located in the west of the city, it is the third smallest district with 6.08 km2 and the least populated in Barcelona with 81,288 inhabitants.

In the Middle Ages, "les Corts de Sarrià" did not have a parish, so they depended on Sarrià's. In 1326, Queen Elisenda de Montcada founded the Pedralbes monastery.

The current district corresponds to the former municipality of Les Corts, which in 1836 achieved autonomy from Sarrià. However, a few years later, in 1897, the municipality was added to Barcelona, ​​thus losing its classification as an autonomous municipality.

In the urban planning plan presented by the city council in 2006, it was decided that the district would be divided into three neighborhoods: Les Corts, La Maternitat i Sant Ramon, and Pedralbes. The oldest part, which retains the name Les Corts, includes several small population centers, such as Corts Novas, les Corts Velles, Can Rosés, Plaça del Centre, which have their own long and rich history.

In the area, there are major metropolitan facilities such as the Camp Nou football stadium, the area of the University of Barcelona campus: University Area; as well as one of Barcelona's most exclusive neighborhoods, the Pedralbes neighborhood.

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